Sunday, October 26, 2014

3- Magazine Proposal

Alter Ego Mag

What separates Alter Ego Magazine from other magazines is that we not only want to explore local graffiti but we want to take greater strides towards the background of how “street art” is created and how it finds it way to inanimate objects around the globe. We also want to dive in a little deeper to artists’ back-stories and what in their life lead them to such an inconsistent way of living. “Street art” is not just vandalism or just art, it is an adventure, and we would like to show our viewers exactly what they have to go through to get their artwork to where it is today.

Our viewers will most likely be street artists, which is a vast market that expands everyday. They will most likely be between 15-35 years old, mid-range income, and primarily male but in no way targeted towards them directly. Our viewers are extremely confident due to their background as undercover lawbreakers but also intelligent enough to realize they’re not trying to pay for a book of ads.

Since this market is somewhat open as far as opposing magazines go, our main competitors will be more local based such as: Graffiti Magazine, Juxtapoz Magazine, Clout Magazine & StyleFile Magazine. All of the previously listed magazines try to reach a target market of their local surrounding areas, which are highlighted in each issue. We would like to step a little outside of those boundaries and highlight this growing industry worldwide.

Five advertisers that we are sure will reach our consumers are: Montana Colors, On The Run Ink, Ironlak Spray Paint, Yard Master Paint, Adobe Illustrator, and miscellaneous apparel and backpack companies. We will also take steps toward trying to help grow more underground companies, in attempt to connect artists with product that isn’t only what they are told they should use and let them find out for themselves.

Five articles for the first issue would be:
1.     Behind the mask: which will highlight artists around the world and their back-story.
2.     Handstyles: a section that would go into detail explaining how new hand styles come to be recognized.
3.     Graffiti music: this section will highlight the music that is listened to by the different graf communities and to help our viewers find a wider range of vibe music that they can listen to while getting up.
4.     Vandalism vs. Street Art: this will be a mildly controversial section in our magazine to explore both of the main mediums of graffiti and how they clash with one another.
5.     Finding perspective: a section that will help newer artist find ways to add a little flavor to their style so they don’t have to learn tricks that took older artists years to master.

1 comment:

  1. Good - graffiti as art. I think your advertising base should be much broader, aimed at the demographic who would appreciate this magazine rather than just taggers. Eg. Music, clothing brands, phones and other technology etc.
